Labels:text | black and white | font | paper | white | document OCR: abbie hoffman on pay phone justice ... "You can make a local 10 cent call for You can make a long distance call 2 cents by spitting on the pennies and and charge it to a phone number. dropping them in the nickel slot. As Simply tell the operator you want soon as they are about to hit the trig- to bill the call to your home phone ger mechanism, bang the coin- return because you don't have the correct button. Another way is to spin the pen- change. Tell her there is no one nies counter-clockwise into the nickel there now to verify the call, but slot. Hold the penny in the slot with you will be home in an hour and she your finger and snap it spinning with can call you then if there is any a key or other flat object. Both sys- question. Make sure the exchange tems take a certain knack, but onc ...